Pirates Blend Garlapeno Sauce was created by our globe trotting product development team of Iggy & The Nooge, as part of our new Exotic Flavours of the World Collection of cooking sauces… designed to make you rise up & take charge in the kitchen!
Just open and pour on whatever you’re cookin’ up – chicken, beef, pork, seafood, pizza, tofu, veggies… whatever! And cook on the stove, grill, ovÂÂen, broiler or microwave. Makes a great marinade & is good on the grill, too. Its abundant garlic base and other savoury ingredients give this versatile sauce its original and celebrated flavor! Great for general table use too!
CONTAINS: Soybean Oil.
Ingredients: Water, Garlic 15%, Green Jalapeno Pepper 12%, Onion, Corn Starch, Cane Sugar, Cilantro 2%, Vinegar, Salt, Soybean Oil, Lime Juice 5%, Ascorbic Acid.
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